Friday, December 21, 2007

Shamu Rocks!

We arrive at Sea World at approximatly 10:44:01 AM and the Dolphin show starts at 11. So, frantically scanning the cartoon map we were given, a stampede of people begin running. What do we do? Follow them of course. Only to relize we are in this marathon for the Dolphin show. Perfect. I mean the way people were running, you would think Barney had just gotten through the gates of Sea World and wanted to play. After running for what seemed like 5 hours, we (Nate, Gerald and I) decide we are much younger and definatly more fit than the folks we are up against. So, we kick it up a notch. And trash them. We leave the children in the dust, and parents to dust them off.
Okay, so we just ran to the show. No frills. But, it made a great story.
Sea World was fantastic, and I was so excited for Shamu. The show itself was shorter than I remember. But, I felt like a kid all over again. But, this time I didn't think Sea World was stupid. You see last time I went I was at that tender age of "everything is stupid, and I rock." Not the case this time around.
We went to the farmers market on Wednesday evening, and I HAD A BLAST!!! I felt so free, and alive. It basically was a big art show, with tons of jewelry, photos, and organic food. Awesome.
Well, the day has begun. See you all soon!

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